Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 is a video game genre of first-person shooter , sequel to Sniper: Ghost Warrior . Developed by City Interactive and distributed by the same and by Namco Bandai [1] for Europe, it was released in 15 March 2013 on the platforms Microsoft Windows , Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 .

In this new chapter, the player will play a simulator sniper and compared to the previous year, this new series, thanks to the new graphics engine, the CryENGINE 3 [2] , has important new features of gameplay. The game combines elements of stealth and tactical elements in order to achieve good performance will need to have excellent accuracy to be affected by climate; in particular by the wind. The scenarios are more realistic, and since the shooting distance greater than the previous one will be able to move in the most difficult to manage. In fact the high expectations given by the aforementioned graphics engine have been largely disregarded by a little shrewd planning of the same. Also the AI of the enemies and the ballistics are not really at a good level, although the game for those who love the genre, turns out to be all in all enjoyable.

The game was announced for the first time at ‘ E3 of 2011 . The launch trailer of the game was published on the official channel of YouTube by City Interactive on March 8, 2013 [5] . The game is officially released on March 12th 2013 in North America and March 15th 2013 in Europe .

The game takes place in 3 acts: The first is set in the Philippines , where he plays the captain Cole Anderson on the trail of a group of terrorists controlled by a dangerous arms dealer: in fact an assault on a chemical laboratory stationed in Siberia, the criminals are in possession of a dangerous biological weapon, with the intent to sell it on the black market to the highest bidder. The task is to prevent it from happening this exchange, retrieve the stolen goods and eliminate the head of the organization. At the end of 3 missions that make up the first act, the character will be arrested for disobeying orders. The second act starts from the holding cell where Anderson will look back to the analogy of the situation in which it is connected to past events that took place on the streets of Sarajevo during the war in the Balkans ’92. At the end of the third mission will be clear to the player an important piece of the puzzle. The last act is set in Tibet , which is divided into 4 missions instead of the usual 3 The pretext of the weapon stolen is certainly one of the most original, but it has the advantage to take us around the world, allowing you to set the three acts that make up the campaign in three different locations, each with unique characteristics. As mentioned we start by forests and wetlands and wild caves of the Philippine Islands, then on to a Sarajevo destroyed by the Balkan conflict of the early nineties and conclude with a session set between the slopes and Buddhist shrines in Tibet. Despite the incursion in 1993, the game is set in present day, but the flashback in the Balkans will have its weight in the narrative of the events of today, because already in the briefing of the first mission of the first act, reference is made to these past events. However, the story is barely acceptable. The campaign is in fact scarce six hours long and the plot is nothing more than a mild glue between the ten missions which are made up of the various acts. The characters on both sides are poorly characterized, and the story is totally lacking in pace and bite, resulting in flat, uninspired and with a final definitely rushed and hasty. The main reason for this is that unlike the first Sniper Ghost Warrior, here the vast majority of gameplay takes place with the character that acts as a “wingman” to the leader who is controlled by the computer and gives directives and orders that must be mechanically perform, distorting the logic of the tactical sniper. That is to say, however, a certain freedom of action is maintained and on several occasions you can take initiatives that have an impact on the course of the game. Since 27 March 2013 there is a DLC add-on (for a fee), which is called “Siberian Attack.” This new act, divided into 3 missions, is set in Siberia , and is a prequel to the first act. In this add-on is in fact the story goes, of which mention is made in the game during the first few missions, just the events that led to the situation in which it is party to the original game, which then diegetically part. Contrary to the usual philosophy, however, in “Attack Siberian” two missions on three take place in solitary, without being “guided” by virtual computer-controlled companion, then returning to the original spirit of the first Sniper Ghost Warrior. Because of very large maps and a highly evocative setting, together with the fact that it is “only”, this additional chapter that provides about 3 hours of gameplay in addition, it is particularly valuable because of the tactical and strategic decisions that must be implemented to in order to progress. Even the mission that involves companion, however, it does so only at the end, and then, ironically, makes this DLC the best part of the whole game.

As in the previous part of the game, the gameplay is a first person shooter . The main weapon of the protagonist will be a sniper rifle. Total available for use six sniper rifles. This game has realistic ballistics bullet. In addition, the game will be included melee weapon, explosives, night vision devices, and so on. Realistic ballistics take into account the player’s location, wind speed and direction, breathing rate and distance from the target.

The main protagonist of the game is the captain Cole Anderson – private security consultant ( English.  Delta Force Sniper ). He is to go to the Philippines , in Sarajevo , and the mountains of Tibet , to prevent terrorists from using biological weapons

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Ripped PC Game Download 4.4GB

Minimum System Requirements

CPU: 2.2 GHz dual core Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2 or better

Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible card with 512 MB RAM, Nvidia 8800 GT or AMD Radeon 3850 or better.
Operating system: Windows XP SP 3/ Windows Vista SP1
HDD: 9 GB free hard drive space

 Recomended System Requirements

CPU: 2.6 GHz quad core Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom X4 processor

RAM: 4GB system memory
Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible graphics card with 1GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 560 or AMD 6850.
Operating system: Windows 7
HDD: 9 GB free hard drive space


Games Size = 5.5 GB
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