Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor Direct Link


Hearts of Iron 4 is a video game developed by Paradox Development Studio is part of the series Hearts of Iron . This is a great strategy game focused on the Second World War.

The game was announced in January 2014 for a release in the first quarter 2015, before being transferred to the second quarter of 2015. During the E3 2015 , the designer Johan Andersson announced that the game could be pushed back to 2016. The game finally released June 6, 2016, 72 years after the Normandy landings .

The game allows you to take control of any existing country to one of the two periods available to start a game: 1 January 1936 and 1 January 1939 . The countries each have a tree of national priorities. Most countries have basic with five branches: Land Army, Navy, Air Force, and Infrastructure Research and Policy. 7 countries have trees of specific priorities: The US , the UK , the France , the Third Reich , the Fascist Italy , the Empire of Japan and the USSR . They are considered with the Republic of Chinaas the major nations of the game. The countries also have a tech tree to unlock superior technologies. The major nations except China, have a specific tree. Also the game allows to change the dominant political party and offers four routes: the neutral party (dictatorship or monarchy mostly), democracy, fascism and communism. The game also includes a faction system for creating and joining factions to defend between countries. Three factions exist from the beginning of the game: the Axis with Nazi Germany, the Allies with the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and the Comintern including the USSR, the Mongolian People’s Republic and theTuvan People’s Republic .

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How to install
Make Sure Your PC Meet the Minimum System Requirements of This Game
Open Setup.exe and Follow Instruction
After Installation Copy Data In Crack Folder to Your Game Installation Directory (Where You Have Installed Game)
Play & Enjoy

Minimum System Requirements
 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 650 @ 3.20 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5850 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX470 with 1GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Free HDD Space: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct X- compatible soundcard.
Additional Notes: Mouse and keyboard are required. / Latest available WHQL drivers from both manufacturers/ Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer, Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
Games Size = 1.27 GB
Game Password is Given Below If You Need Any Help With Password Please Visit Password Page in Menu or Click Here. If You Need Installation Help Please Visit How to Install Page In Menu or Click Here. If You Help With Common Game Play Problems Like msvcr100.dll missing etc.. Please Visit Errors & Solution Page in The Menu Or Click Here.

Game RAR Password = www.pcgamespunch.com

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