Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Download

Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (pronounced / m e d ᵊ l ə v ɒ n ə ʳ æ l and ɪ d ə p ɔ ː l t / , in short MoH: AA ) – a computer game genre first- person shooter set in the realities of World War II , produced by the American studio 2015, Inc. and published by Electronic Arts for PC . Its world premiere took place in the United States, 22 January 2002 year, while in Poland – February 15, 2002 year. This is the first part of a series of computer games Medal of Honor released on personal computers [7] .

In Medal of Honor: Allied Assault player takes control of US Special Forces soldier Rangers Mike Powell, who in the service of the Office of Strategic Services performs operations intelligence and sabotage in the areas occupied by the Third Reich , and also participates in the activities of the front line. The objectives of each mission the player performs by eliminating soldiers computer using a variety of weapons, for special achievements during the examination stages to give medals. In addition to the single player campaign mode is multiplayer supporting up to 64 players. The game is characterized by attention to historical reality, however, the gameplay is focused on simplifying combat skill elements.

The game has contributed to the development of the species due to the inspired film Saving Private Ryan landing stage on the beach “Omaha” , in which the slaughter of American soldiers storming strengthening. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was under the terms of the first production of the species which simulates the real action on the front lines and he lived to the storming stage numerous imitations in the context of electronic entertainment. The game itself has collected favorable assessment of the reviewers who praised the atmosphere generated by it and audiovisual binding; however, aroused controversy among critics uneven level of realism to the game, as well as excessive reliance events in the campaign scripting language . The commercial success of Allied Assault caused the release of two additions to it – Spearhead and Breakthrough.

The game begins November 4, 1942, just before the operation “Torch” , when the sub-unit of American soldiers under the command of Captain Richards attacks the city Arzew in northern Algeria . The aim is to find an officer Special Air Service , Major Grillo, and the destruction of the battery coastal artillery . The Americans are attacking the city, but in the courtyard in the middle of the city fall into the trap of the Germans [8] . Mike Powell, headed by the player soldier in the service of the Office of Strategic Services , eliminates the threat, but a platoon Richards before they are eliminated [9] . Powell alone enters the prison, where the Major Grillo, and releases an officer. They both get into the heavily guarded fortress and steal explosives. With them detonate operates 88 mm [10] . Then blow up the German machinery, and then make a rally at the airport, destroying the aircraft located there [11] . Powell and Grillo reach the lighthouse, where you send a signal to the American fleet, then steal a truck and depart from Arzew [9] [12] .

Another mission Powell begins February 12, 1943 year Norwegian Trondheim . Enters the coastal military base Navy with the assistance of Major Grillo, who is, however, killed while opening the gate [13] . Powell, eliminating the building at the gate of the German garrison, gets documents from scientific data [13] [14] . Disguised as a German officer infiltrates the dock, where the U-boat U-529. Unrecognized by the German guards Powell enters the submarine and its crew eliminates planting the explosives in the boat [15] . He escapes from Trondheim, getting into captured by the Allies train [13] [16] .

Powell then takes part in the landing on the beach “Omaha” in Normandy (6 June 1944). After leaving the barge landing becomes a witness to the massacre of American soldiers storming the beach, where the attack breaks down as a result of enemy fire from machine guns MG42 . Powell, hiding behind firewalls przeciwczołgowymi, reaches to the shaft on the other side of the beach [17] . On orders from their commander brings lying on the beach tube Bangalore . Detonated by sapper leaves a hole in the pipe Zasieki by which the surviving Rangers reach the bunker. Powell eliminates manual MG42 [18] [19] . The next day, a branch of Powell gets home in Bocage and the Germans counter stops. With the help of the US Air Force destroys Powell operates 88 mm [20] . Then, traversing the city overrun by snipers , rocket launchers blows Axis Nebelwerfer [18] [21] .

22 June 1944 Powell landed behind enemy lines in Normandy in the heavily guarded area. In an abandoned house finds the French Agent [22] . Then sabotaging Parking tanks and railway station [23] . Then attacks the heavily guarded Nazi command post, causing the confusion surrounding the garrison, and then leaves the hostile terrain in the truck [24] [25] .

20 August 1944, Powell enters the town in Brittany , entering manned by snipers alley. After dealing with them, Powell takes over abandoned tank “Königstiger”. As a vehicle commander of the German forces counter stops and pulls the front line. Then eliminate the German forces to destroy the nearby bridge and brings air support to destroy the King Tiger stepping on Allied trenches .

The last mission of Powell begins January 18, 1945 near Fort Schmerzen on the Siegfried Line . After the elimination of antiaircraft guns hidden in the forest, in the guise of a German officer infiltrates the fortress, blowing up the ammunition. Then destroy the command post, then gets into the train station . Finally, along with other rangerami Powell attacking Fort Schmerzen, releasing located there commandos and blowing up the fortress.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault belongs to the genre of first-person shooter . The player is in the virtual world of the game from a first person perspective , using firearms in skirmishes with computer opponents; can also walk, squat, open doors and activate different objects [7] [35] [36] . On the game screen shows health and the indicator points in their weapons and ammunition. Health, lost in combat with the enemy, in the conventional way player regenerates by collecting flasks or kits [36] . The player makes progress in the game by reaching out to the places indicated by the compass in the upper left corner of the screen [37] . During the mission the player sometimes cooperates with computer allies, but it is not possible management of the branch [38] .

The game focuses on the struggles of US Ranger troops of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS [39] . One-man campaign in which the player takes the role of a soldier of the American Mike Powell, covers areas in North Africa , Norway , France and Germany [40] [41] . The aim of the game at a given stage is the elimination of computer opponents in a given area, the destruction of local points of resistance or liquidation of the German infrastructure. In some parts of the player is designed to infiltrate the Nazi buildings, steal enemy documents and perform actions of sabotage [40] [41] . For the performance of each of the six missions (each of about thirty levels [7] ), the player receives awards such as the Purple Heart , Legion of Merit and the Medal of Distinguished Service [42] [43] . It features both sides of the conflict was given 24 types of weapons, including the M1 Garand rifle , Thompson submachine gun , rifle 98k and grenade Panzerschreck [39] .

In Medal of Honor: Allied Assault addition to single player campaign mode is also available in multiplayer . Contain are four game modes: Free for All , in which all players fight against each other; Team Game, in which players are divided into two teams fighting each other; Round-Based Game, in which Team game is divided into rounds; and Objective-Based Game, in which the teams are supposed to destroy the selected objects on the map . For the latter mode are seven map located in various scenes of war. The multiplayer can participate up to 64 players.
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB
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