Call of Juarez Gunslinger Free Download Full Version Single Link


Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a game of first-person shooting themed Western , the fourth in the series Call of Juarez . Announced at PAX 2012 , was released on May 22, 2013, through PlayStation Network , Steam and Xbox Live Arcade . 3 Unlike its predecessor, Call of Juarez: The Cartel , is located in a neighborhood of the Old West and has three unique game modes (story, arcade and mourning), while the atmosphere is the story of the life of a bounty hunter named Silas Greaves.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a game of first-person shooting straight. Like previous games in Call of Juarez , the game is to complete goals to advance in the game. Discontinuous elements game series include an ability to effect bullet and duels gunman. A new element is the ability to dodge bullets from time to time via a quick time event .
The player can gain experience points and level up your skills, specializing in either two handguns, shotguns or rifles.
Scattered throughout the game are secret collectibles called “Nuggets of Truth”, featuring the truths behind the fairy Silas.
The story levels are memories of the life of Silas Greaves, who is an unreliable narrator. As the audience challenged the lies and inconsistencies in his stories, Silas reviews its history, resulting in abrupt changes, sometimes funny in the game environment (such as the sudden appearance and disappearance of an Apache military). This mechanism allows the game play recycle sections with minor alterations.
Besides the story mode, there is an arcade mode where the player can fight waves of enemies and duel mode where you can have a classic confrontation gunman.
In 1910, an old and legendary bounty hunter named Silas Greaves enters a room Abilene, Kansas and regales guests with tales of his adventures in exchange for free drinks. When I was young, Silas and his two older brothers won a poker game against three men, for which they won money and a piece of Aztec gold, belonging to Golden Juárez. The men threatened the three brothers with their weapons and demanded the money back (Silas kept the Aztec currency) and were left to die hanging from a tree branch. Although it broke, brothers Silas died. Then he vowed to avenge the death of his brothers killing the three men, but this was to finance the search, for which he became a bounty hunter. Decades later, Silas goes to find Billy the Kid . It is found on a farm, gradually being invaded. Silas goes to the stables to find horses for him and Billy, but is ambushed by Sheriff Pat Garrett and taken to jail. While escaping from there, have a duel and manages to kill the Congressman Robert “Bob” Ollinger in self defense. Then he goes to kill Newman Haynes Clanton . He succeeds and discovers that one of the murderers of his brothers, Johnny Ringo is in a nearby sawmill. He defeats him in a duel. Then he sets out to find and kill Henry Plummer as bounty hunters. Silas kills him and goes to meet John Wesley Hardin to hear that Roscoe Bryant is with him. The faces in a duel, but does not kill. The next target is Silas Gray Wolf, an Apache medicine man. Silas fails to remove and was hired again to kill the Dalton Brothers . Emmett , the youngest brother, is left behind to kill Silas. Although Silas shoots 23 times, Emmett survives. He continues his search for Dalton. We follow a steamer wrecked in the swamps of Missouri. Silas kills them both during a duel. He kills Jim Reed, the second of the murderers of his brethren. Silas goes to hunt the Wild Bunch to hear that Bryant is with them. Finding that they are about to hijack a train, Silas decides to stop them. He disables the dynamite placed on the bridge, and finally get on the train. You making their way to the front, is Jesse James and confronts him in a duel. Wounded, Jesse surrenders and is imprisoned. Jesse’s brother, Frank , took command of the Wild Bunch. Silas nearly killed him (and removed from his criminal life) and orders him to tell the location of Bryant, who escapes. Silas goes into a forest only to be ambushed by outlaws. He arrives at a cemetery in which fight the ghosts of the men he had killed. The situation culminates when Sundance Kid emerges from behind. Silas has no choice but to fight him. He defeats but as heavily armored Sundance Kid is rising. Butch Cassidy arrives at the cemetery gate. Silas realizes that Butch and Sundance are no longer together, and confronts the two, emerging victorious. One customer, an old man named Ben loses his temper and denounced as a fraud Silas. Silas then declares that “Ben” is actually Roscoe “Bob” Bryant, the last of the three bandits who murdered the brothers Silas. Bob betrayed himself when he attacked Silas stories with facts that only he could know how the name of the murderers, Reed, Silas never told. The end offers the player two options: Bob revenge killing in a duel, or forgive Bob and thus redeem the soul of Silas bloody.
In any case, Silas decides to hit the road again, while Dwight is revealed as nothing less than a young Dwight D. Eisenhower , who either is stunned into silence by the death of Bob, or receive some words of advice by Silas as he heads out.
During the passage there are RPG elements, the protagonist receives awards and enhances your skills: accuracy, speed, reloading weapons and stuff. The storyline is filled with constant skirmishes with bandits, participated in a duel with pistols, at some point you can effectively use the dynamite. [3] The story of the game is conducted on behalf of the character – Silas Greaves, a bounty hunter, who tells about the adventures of a typical onlookers, at the time saloons. The action itself is presented as flashbacks, describing what is happening in a particular story. The game has an Arcade mode. Here you need a certain time to kill all the enemies and get the maximum number of stars. Arcade mission based on the campaign level
In 1910 well-known former bounty hunter Silas Greaves appears at the bar of the town of Abilene , and begins to tell the audience the story of his life. His listening bar owner Ben and several other people have a different perception of his story; so Jack constantly doubted the plausibility that tells Silas, and Dwight , familiar with the history of the Wild West by tabloid novels hotly defends him. Not narrated chronologically, Silas jumps from one event to another, exposes common versions of famous historical events; pretty soon it becomes clear that something where his memory fails, and sometimes he obviously exaggerates his own role in what happened. He tells of his meetings with famous gangsters Frontier and how Indian chief once warned him of the danger of absorption of the soul in darkness. It turns out that he became a bounty hunter for a reason – they are motivated by a desire to avenge his brothers killed three bandits in Juárez in 1868 . Silas knew the names of all the three criminals, and began to hunt them down. He managed to find and kill two – Johnny Ringo and Jim Reed. However, the third, Roscoe “Bob” Bryant, constantly eluded him. After the stories about the many attempts to find the elusive “Bob” Silas recalls warning Indian chief and notes that because of Bryant passed his whole life in the pursuit of revenge, he has no friends and family, and countless murders make it even worse Bryant himself. Finally lost patience listeners directly accused of lying Silas, and then reveals that Silas was telling tall tales is not a coincidence. Commenting on his adventures, Ben inadvertently blurted out too much and revealed his true guise. The owner of the bar proved by none other than Roscoe Bryant, who quit dirty deeds. Silas can only make a decision – to avenge his old enemy, or to forgive him.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Minimum System Requirements:
OS:Windows® XP (SP3) / Windows Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8
Processor:2 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or 2 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:512 MB DirectX® 9.0c–compliant
Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9.0c–compliant.
Games Size = 2 GB
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