Command & Conquer Generals Free Download Direct Link


Command and Conquer: Generals is a video game in real-time strategy developed and published by Electronic Arts . It was released in 2003 for Windows and for Mac OS X , and began a new series in the universe Command and Conquer . The extension of the game was released the same year and is called Command and Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour .

Generals is based on the 3d engine SAGE (Strategy Action Game Engine) (extension of the engine previously used in the video game Command & Conquer: Renegade ), which gives the game a graphic quality well above that of the previous episodes of the series, and comparable to RTS that of a few others of the same period (the same engine has been increasingly used by EA Games to make the Lord of the Rings: the Battle for Middle-earth ).

Generals is, like the other episodes of the series Command & Conquer , a video game environment of political fiction , this time set in the period between 2020 and 2030 . The three factions fighting are the United States , the China and the ‘ Liberation Army Global (ELG, Global Liberation Army , or GLA English in the original), a generic organization Middle East .

The story told in campaigns default of the game sees the US and China united in the fight against the attacks terrorist dell’ELG, and thus has many similarities with the political situation of early 2000 and the war against terrorism .

Each of the factions has peculiar characteristics that make it completely different from the others (even from the point of view of the type of request strategic guide to the player). The United States has a technology state of the art (2020, thus partly futuristic) heavily based on ‘ Aviation and on the arms laser . China uses more technologically backward means but very effective, and has in its favor a foot large, armored vehicles very powerful, and a number of related technologies propaganda that, in the futuristic scenario of the game, is entrusted to the wave propagation control mental . THE’ ELG does not have aviation and using poorly technological tools combined with techniques and tools suited to guerrilla warfare and terrorism , including weapons for germ warfare based on ‘ anthrax . In the tradition of Command & Conquer , Generals is a game very politically correct , and presents (albeit with increasingly self-mocking tone, and the border with comic typical of the series) current political elements presented without many moral qualms. The game has been banned in China (where are the other episodes of the series were landed successfully) probably because in one of the episodes of the Chinese countryside Square Tian’anmen is hit by a nuclear attack ; Moreover, the same Chinese faction in the campaign is a rather indiscriminate use of tactical nuclear weapons . The Chinese censorship could also have been caused by the way they are represented Chinese units, especially compared to the phrases they utter when selected, that are of the parody limit nationalism ( “China will grow larger,” “We stand together”, ” China has Been generous “). anmen is hit by a nuclear attack ; Moreover, the same Chinese faction in the campaign is a rather indiscriminate use of tactical nuclear weapons . The Chinese censorship could also have been caused by the way they are represented Chinese units, especially compared to the phrases they utter when selected, that are of the parody limit nationalism ( “China will grow larger,” “We stand together”, ” China has Been generous “). anmen is hit by a nuclear attack ; Moreover, the same Chinese faction in the campaign is a rather indiscriminate use of tactical nuclear weapons . The Chinese censorship could also have been caused by the way they are represented Chinese units, especially compared to the phrases they utter when selected, that are of the parody limit nationalism ( “China will grow larger,” “We stand together”, ” China has Been generous “).

The series Command & Conquer and its spin-off Command & Conquer: Red Alert share the fact to portray the same universe, so much so that in Red Alert are several elements that recall the series focused on Tiberium. In Generals , however, there is no reference, even marginally, the other two sagas: the world, in this series, is portrayed as if these events had never occurred. Moreover, the gameplay and the ‘ user interface differ from the standard conventions of the series, adapting to those (the most common) to games like StarCraft or series Age of Empires . For example, the ‘ use of the right and left button mouse is inverted compared to previous episodes; the control bar is positioned in the lower part of the screen instead of vertically along the right margin; building construction requires the use of special civil units (ELG for workers and bulldozers to the US and China); and units to be produced need to be selected from the appropriate structures (with the possibility of producing more units of the same type in possession of more factories) rather than from the control bar at all times. Other elements of discontinuity with respect to the series Command & Conquer lie in setting campaigns. For these reasons, many fans of Command & Conquer have disavowed membership in the series of the game, criticizing the use of the name “Command & Conquer” in the title. This protest was directed against the EA Games, guilty of having absorbed the Westwood that you had all the previous Command & Conquer . Nevertheless, Generals had a considerable success, and around it is a vast developed communities online ; It must however be noted that the behavior of the units, typically more realistic in the relationship with the surrounding environment (compared to other titles such as Empire Earth for example), is an ideal prosecution in the 3D world of the first Command & Conquer,

If Generals does not stand out for any particular specific innovation compared to the RTS genre, its realization is distinguished (as is typical in traditional Command & Conquer ) to a remarkable level of creativity on questions of detail. The graphics and sound are meticulously maintained, and give each faction a sharply defined character. The graph of animations level (from explosions to the movement of vehicles on the map, in particular in the case of light vehicles such as motorcycles and pickup dell’ELG) represents a considerable advance with respect to most of the previous RTS. The choice of drive characteristics, including their special powers, is extremely creative, entertaining and imaginative. The pace of play is fast (most of the matches will be concluded within half an hour) and the ‘ artificial intelligence of computer players, although lacking, however, allows switching of interesting matches (but the fans consider without any history comparison with any multiplayer game).

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Screenshots of Command & Conquer Generals


Command & Conquer Generals Minimum System Requirements

CPU: 800 MHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor
RAM: 128 MB RAM 
GPU: 32 MB video card using the Nvidia® GeForce2™, ATI® Radeon™ 7500 AGP video card 
OS: Windows® 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP 
Store: 1.8 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games {additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX™ 8.1 installation 
Sound: 16-bit sound card

Game Size = 179 MB

Game RAR Password =

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