Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis Direct Link


Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (. Abbr OFP ; in the localization of “Operation Flashpoint: Cold War” , literally from the English.  -  ”Operation” bright flash “: The crisis of the Cold War”) – a computer game in the genre of the tactical shooter developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio and published by Codemasters in 2001 . The game was released on the PC , it was later ported to the XBox . In 2011, it was re-released under the name ArmA: Cold War Assault .

The basis for the campaign story became a fictional conflict between NATO and the Soviet Union in the days of the Cold War . In addition, to play two additional campaigns were produced: of Red Hammer ( «Red Hammer”) and Resistance ( «Resistance»), allowing to see the conflict from different perspectives .

The main feature of the gameplay of the game is completely new at that time, the approach to the simulation of combat operations, a large number of different military vehicles, vast open spaces as gaming locations and, as a consequence, the maximum attention to the realism of what is happening .

Operation Flashpoint has received many positive reviews among critics, who noted its realism and accuracy of the description of the fighting, as well as the complexity and atmospheric. Complaints were directed mainly to drawing objects at close range . Due to the open architecture of the game has long been popular among fans , which was created by a large number of additional missions and modifications . OFP was the ancestor of the two game series .

The campaign offers to take part in the conflict, siding with the US armed forces [4] . During the campaign, the player assumes the role of four characters: David Armstrong, Corporal (later Lieutenant), US Army , Robert Hammer, a cadet of the Armored Forces US Armed Forces , Sam Nichols – officer, pilot, helicopter pilot US Air Force and James Gastovski – an officer of the Force special US Army . According to the story, in 1985 the fanatical General Alexei V. Guba intends to overthrow the General Secretary of the CPSU Gorbachev and take power over the Soviet Union in their own hands. Guba army commander on the island in KolguevThe Baltic Sea , next to which are Malden Islands (which are deployed NATO troops), Aveyron and Nogoviya ( sovereign state). Stationed on the island Malden platoon of the US Army, which serves as a Corporal David Armstrong, among other forces takes off on the neighboring island of Aveyron. It turns out that the island was attacked by the Soviet troops. Americans are trying to gain a foothold there, but due to lack of power is not possible. Finally, American troops are trying to turn the tide, causing a powerful blow to the capital of Aveyron – Montignac. However counterattack fails, the US forces are forced to evacuate the island. Armstrong gets to the point of evacuation, but is captured by the Soviet troops. Nevertheless, its free local guerrillas – Alliance for Freedom Aveyron. Together with the Alliance Armstrong troops involved in the raid on the Soviet base. In gratitude to the rebels to help him get off the island. However, the war is not over: Soviet troops do not intend to dwell on the Aveyron.

Armstrong returned to Malden, where he was appointed platoon guard base defense in the south of the island. He manages to prevent a Soviet attempt to special forces to destroy the base. US troops meet Soviet troops on Malden ready, but still can not keep it. After a series of battles in which in effect two more characters – tanker Robert Hammer and Major James Gastovski special forces, US troops manage to strike at the rear of the Soviet troops, and entered into the breach tankscomplete the rout. Soviet troops begin to evacuate from Malden. For merits Armstrong received the rank of lieutenant. Its causes commander on Maldene Colonel Blake, introduces major Gastovski and shows a record obtained Americans. Soviet general Guba Alex demands that the Americans during the two days left the island, or they will be destroyed by the new forces of the Soviet army. However, the Americans came to the conclusion that the government of the USSR is not implicated in the conflict: the “amateur” Lips and messages for reinforcements – a bluff.

Armstrong and Gastovski sent to the Aveyron, to agree on joint actions with the guerrillas. Those first refuse to help because the Americans did not keep too many promises, but then agree to support US troops. At this time, the base attack Soviet forces Gastovski remains with the guerrillas, and Armstrong was evacuated with intelligence gathered by the guerrillas of the lip. Americans then finish off the remnants of the Soviet troops on Maldene. Preparation for landing on the Aveyron. Meanwhile Gastovski spends the first diversion on the island – destroys Soviet tank repair base. US troops land in the north of Aveyron and start promoting inland. Gastovski group destroys the main force of Soviet troops – helicopters Mi-24. The action takes the last character – a helicopter pilot Sam Nikkols. Thanks to the joint action of infantry, armor, aviation and special forces to the Americans manage to fight off the island. Group Gastovski meanwhile sent on a secret mission to Kolguev – get data about the air defense system of the island. Colonel Blake is not going to stop the release of Aveyron. When he learned that to go Kolguyev Soviet army forces to “arrest” the general for unauthorized outbreak of hostilities, Blake came to the conclusion that in fact for all Lips limited to censure the press, but in fact he received an award and a dacha in the Crimea. Americans decide for themselves to arrest Guba and for this to invade Soviet territory.

Group Gastovski carries sabotage previously identified air defense units, then the Americans inflict a blow on the island for the first time having involved stormtroopersA-10, one of which is piloted Nikkols. However Nikkolsa knock, and after catapulting it captures the Soviet Special Forces. Blake gets one more video message, which says that the Guba plans Nikkolsa exemplary punishment, and then threatened to use nuclear weapons. Finally it becomes clear goal Lips: to provoke the Americans to invade Soviet territory, to present it as an aggression, after which the Soviet people have to see Gorbachev’s inability to conduct military operations and how to recognize the general charismatic leader. However Nikkolsu manages to escape from captivity and Gastovski receives data on the location of the “Soviet missiles Scud”. During the heavy battle the US special forces manage to destroy it. Lip furiously kills his assistant Angelina Malevich, after which, together with Colonel Eusevym trying to evacuate the island and the release of the second rocket “Scud”. However Gastovski group manages to destroy “scud” and then capture (or kill) lip. US forces are derived from Kolguev. It was officially announced that unknown terrorists, possibly led by a former Soviet general, attacked a training camp of the US Army on Maldene. The attack was repelled without serious losses.

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Minimum System Requirements
 Operating System:Windows Xp,7,Vista,8
Ram:64 MB
Video Memory: 8 MB
CPU:Intel Pentium @ 266 MHz
Hard Space: 300 MB Free
Direct X:8.0
Sound Card:Yes
Games Size = 297 MB
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