The Incredible Hulk Game or Video Game Download Free From Our Website with How to Install Video Guide. Release Date of The Incredible Hulk is June 5, 2008. Also You Will Find Cheats, Trainers, Gameplay, System Requirements and All Other Useful Information From Our Website.

The Incredible Hulk Gameplay
Bruce Banner was a scientist turned fugitive when he was hit by a dose of gamma radiation and a suicide attempt fails after seeing how he transforms into the beast within him: the incredible Hulk.
Somewhere in a city in Brazil , Bruce was being pursued by soldiers led by Emil Blonsky who were sent by General Thunderbolt Ross . As the chase ends as Banner heads inside a factory building, soldiers fire missiles at the building, causing tons of debris to fall on Banner, but his life was saved when he instantly transformed into the Hulk. He escaped from the factory after fighting Emil Blonsky and his troops. The Hulk makes a quick getaway to New York .
After reaching the city, the Hulk confronts and saves the life of Rick Jones , a teenager kidnapped by soldiers working for an organization called the Enclave . Soon after, the Hulk goes on a few missions while protecting Rick Jones from the forces of the Ceres section of the Enclave. After some missions begin, the Hulk manages to help disarm earthquake bombs, destroys an Enclave laboratory, and saves Jones from a giant cyborg named Kyklops.
Soon after, Bruce Banner begins to work with Samuel Sterns who was, in truth, his friend “Mr. Blue”. On a mission, the Hulk manages to destroy a satellite, as well as a building with it, only to be confronted by the U-Foes , a superhuman group consisting of a metallic being named Ironclad , a telekinetic being named Vector , a humanoid cloud by the name of Steam and radioactive be inside and outside called X-Ray. The Hulk manages to defeat them, despite the U-Foes surviving and soon vowing to destroy the Hulk, once he interferes with them once again. The Hulk is sent to retrieve stolen nanites from the Enclave, which are hidden in garbage trucks that are also in the eye of the army.
Major Glenn Talbot then sends the army to defeat the Hulk. Hulk then dodges missiles to get to the source of the broadcast. Hulk manages to destroy the fountain and defeat Emil Blonsky.
The Enclave has created robots to steal the city’s energy. Rick Jones tells this to Bruce Banner and the Hulk is going to destroy them at their key locations. After the robots are destroyed, the Hulk eliminates the chemical bombs by dropping them into the salt water. The Hulk does this, but must kill some of the Enclave’s tainted soldiers when the smaller bombs go off. After defeating some contaminated soldiers from the Enclave, the Hulk returns to those areas to dispose of the energy absorbing machines. The Hulk then heads to Empire State University to obtain a machine that could clean up pollution, built by Dr. Samuel Sterns.

System Requirements
- OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
- CPU: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz
- RAM (memory): 512 MB
- Videocard: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 5200, ATI Radeon 9200
- Audio: DirectX compatible with 9.C
- HDD: 2.2 GB
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