Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil Direct Link


Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is a game of first – person shooter for Nintendo 64 , Windows 9x , and Game Boy Color . It was launched in 1998 and is based on a comic book series of Acclaim Comics , Turok . It was a game that tooklead of his time, showing incredible graphics, excellent soundtrack, plus a vast and creative arsenal of weapons. He was also one of the first games of N64 in using the increase in RAM the Expansion Pak as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron , Top Gear OverDrive andNFL Quarterback Club ’99 .

The game differs from its predecessor, being more inspired by one of the explosions of the N64 of that time, GoldenEye 007 . Now there was a series of objectives to be achieved, command options for players who already played the GoldenEye 007 a Styracosaurus to ride like the tank and a multiplayer mode. The game also enjoys more music orchestra jungle, as in the previous game. In addition, the enemies are intelligent, covering fire, attacking in groups and sometimes fleeing character when he takes and uses a devastating weapon. Players can also choose any weapon immediately during the game with a well thought out menu, which seems inspired “spiritual” sequel to GoldenEye 007 ,Perfect Dark . The game contains a lot of scenes Gores allowing the playerget to dismember enemies. The game contains a lot of voices in the cutscenes using the game engine,is quite rare in N64 games.

The levels are huge and of great variety, ranging from jungles destroyed cities through caves and even by special ships. The game suffers from some drops in frame rate which really were not solved with the Expansion Pak and long distances between places to save the game, also at the end of each world, the player is forced to defend the power poles totem enemy attack. Today you can considerarese Turok 2 as a classic in the catalog of Nintendo 64 and one of the best FPS of all time.

The answer to Turok 3 years immediately after its launch was very positive, with a note in N64 Magazine higher than Goldeneye 007 in an analysis of the prerelease version. However, this was followed by lot of criticism. The low framerate was highly criticized, with some levels, in particular the final stage of Oblivion, where quite noticeable drop in the framerate damaging the gameplay. In addition, the game enjoys a fog in open places (avoiding trouble moving polygons), although it is noteworthy that the game enjoys less fog than in its previous version.

Where most critical was received in the structure of levels; especially levels “The Lair of the Blind Ones” and “The Hive of the Mantids” which was easy to end up where turns or lost due to the similarity between many areas. The shortage of enemies was another sticking the game; some levels consist of four or five types of unique enemies, but there were large areas containing no enemies throughout. The game also required the player to complete all level goals (even must fulfill some missions unspecified) and the player can not progress until you complete all objectives.

The last review was on the small amount of ammunition and items of life that made the player out on ammunition and life at certain times while later the player saw them black to defeat the enemy without hardly items and ammo forcing the player to ration ammunition.

Also, this game frustrated some players because, as with most titles Acclaim in the N64, could not be saved in the cartridge but pak was needed from memory.

But despite all these criticisms, the game included several remarkable things for the time:

He had one of the best graphic sections of the time being of the best titles that took advantage of the graphical power of Nintendo 64.
The enemies could be killed eliminating parts of your body as the power of the weapon and where the weapon impact.
A high level gore. The enemies could be killed eliminating parts of your body (depending on the power and impact of the weapon) with large amounts of blood containing scenes very gore for the time. This became more special in a catalog like the Nintendo 64 that contained few violent games.
They could recover throwing arrows (It’s a small detail currently used by various titles).

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Minimum System Requirements
 Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit required)
Processor: Intel Quad Core 1.7 GHZ CPU
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics Card: GPU with OpenGL 3.2 or DirectX 10 support
Free HDD Space: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible sound card or onboard sound
Additional Notes: Intel CPUs rendering graphics may not be OpenGL 3.2+ compatible.
Games Size = 118 MB
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